Being King means ruling over a territory that a neighbouring King would often like to get his hands on.
In this game you will see what it takes to reign and how to hold on to your territory or even expand it to keep your crown.
Rules of the game:
At the start, the players have 9 squares of territory each on the board. Each player chooses a colour to represent them. In the time allowed by the hourglass, players must turn over their opponent’s squares to increase their own territory.
In turn, the players spin the wheel of conquest which tells them how many of their opponent’s squares they can turn over.
Be aware that the wheel of conquest is not always kind to the person spinning it!
An example of a round:
– Red spins the wheel which stops on “win 1 territory square”.
Red can turn over any of their opponent’s squares they choose. They turn over a green square and it becomes red.
=> Green loses a territory square.
– White has the second go. They spin the wheel which lands on “win 3 territory squares”.
White decides to turn over 2 of Green’s squares and 1 of Blue’s squares.
=> Green has lost 2 more territory squares and Blue has lost 1.
Watch out, Red and White might have made a pact not to attack each other !
– Green spins the wheel which says “Blue wins 1 territory square”.
=> Green can’t expand their territory.
=> Blue decides to take back the square that White took from them.
– Blue spins the wheel which indicates “win 1 territory square”.
They decide to carry on with a conquest of White’s land and turn over another white square.
The result at the end of the first round is: Red = 10 squares / Green = 6 squares / Blue = 10 squares / White = 11 squares.
After the first round, White has the most territory. More rounds are played until the hourglass runs out.
Iconography source:
Claude de Chastillon, (1559-1616), French topography or representations of several towns, bourgs, castles, houses of leisure, ruins and remains from antiquity in the kingdom of France, 1641.