Prepare your stay

Practical information and useful addresses to prepare your stay in South Touraine:

The Royale City of Loches is located in the heart of the Touraine région, privileged destination to discover :



Tourism office Loches Touraine Châteaux de la Loire
☎ +33 (0)2 47 91 82 82

Other attractions in the area

Explore famous places, museums and sites surrounding the Royal City of Loches which reflect the rich variety of the region:

Le Grand-Pressigny Museum of Prehistory, 30 km away, a prehistoric landmark -
The Saint Cosme Priory, Ronsard’s home, 44 km away, at the gateway of Tours -
The Domain of Candé, Monts, 38 km away, at the gateway of Tours -
Balzac Museum, Château de Saché, 50 km away, in the heart of the Indre Valley -
The Royal Fortress of Chinon, 60 km away, overlooking the Vienne Valley -
Rabelais Museum, La Devinière, 68 km away, among the Chinon vines –
Hôtel Goüin, 43 km away, in the center of Tours -

A smart prices policy

Between Touraine and Berry, be smart ! With your full rate ticket of one six monuments of the region (châteaux de Valençay, Bouges, Montrésor,Montpoupon and the Domaine de Poulaines), you can provide a reduction for the second visit.