Expo / Game : Where are we going ?

The King of France stayed in many places, on his own estates or elsewhere. As soon as events required, he would set off so he could be seen and govern by spending time close to his subjects, making sure his kingdom remained united. Discover some of the places in which he stayed.

Rules of the game:

On the map you can see several châteaux of French kings in the Middle Ages.

Find the right château with the help of the silhouettes.


This royal manor, built by Charles V to the east of the Forest of Vincennes, was also greatly appreciated by his successor.


Considered one of the favourite residences of the Capetian and the Valois royals and on the road to Flanders, this château became less important when the King turned his focus to the south of the kingdom.



The town, located three days from Paris, and its immediate surroundings was one of the favourite places of residence of Charles VI and his predecessors.


A place of pilgrimage for the Kings of France, this fortified site was also closely linked to the Valois dynasty which called on Saint Michael for protection.



Even before the Court settled properly in the Loire Valley in the 15th century, the King of France really liked Orléans and the countryside around it as a place to go hunting.




When he was in the capital city, the King could choose to stay in one of many residences: the palace on the Île de la Cité, the Louvre or the Temple.



This is where Louis IX (Saint Louis) was born and the château erected by Philip the Fair was built on an old Capetian residence.



The coronation town, the sovereign stayed here, in the Tau palace, on the eve of their crowning.


The capital of Touraine, the King considered Tours to be a “bonne ville”, which meant privileged, loyal towns. It was also the site of a royal residence. 


This was a château for leisure, close to Paris, built by Philip “Augustus” and completely remodelled by John II and Charles V.


Iconography sources:

Claude de Chastillon, (1559-1616), French topography or representations of several towns, bourgs, castles, houses of leisure, ruins and remains from antiquity in the kingdom of France, 1641/ Jacques Androuet Du Cerceau (1510-1585), The second volume of the most excellent buildings in France. For which are shown the plans of fifteen buildings and their contents: the ensemble of the elevations and singularities of each, 1579].